Seeing I can now officially say that I have started school I thought that I would write a blog about my experience at school so far. The name of my school is Kantonsschule am Burggraben which is located in the heart of St Gallen’s city meaning lunch is never boring. My first day I was kind of nervous even though I tried my hardest to deny it, I mean starting a school where you don’t really speak the language is terrifying.
I was put into second class and before anyone back home in Australia pulls a face second grade is like year 10 and then halfway through the year, I go into year 11 or third class. You’d think having already done year 10 that this would be easy but they are so ahead in their schooling system it’s crazy. My Schwerpunkfach (main subject) is economics and I’m in a bilingual class so just over half of my classes are in English. This is really helpful now but means that I don’t hear much German and all my classmates always want to speak English with me.
Here are some photos of my school…..
This week was a little unusual as we didn’t have economics as the teacher was away meaning we finished really early or had lots of breaks and then on Friday we finished school at 10:30am. Due to this I haven’t really got a “School routine” and might have to post about that in a few months when I’ve really settled in. The one thing I do know is that on Wednesday and Thursday I go to lunch with my Rotary club and the neighbouring Rotary club with Sofia the other inbound in my city (that also goes to my school.)
Thursday, which is also my half-day at school, was my 16th birthday and it was an amazing day. I woke up to a cute little birthday table that my host mum made for me which included presents, a cake made by my host dad and a cake my mum in Australia had ordered for me. I started school at 9:30 so I didn’t see my host mum until lunchtime which is when I opened my presents and had cake, lots and lots of cake…. At school one of the girls in my class baked me cupcakes which was so cute and very nice of her. Then in the afternoon all the girls and I met in the city to have a coffee after school.
All in all, I am having an amazing time here and loving every second. I would say that I am settling into school really well and can’t wait to see all the adventures I have during the rest of the year.
Tschuss !!